Submission Categories

2025 Categories

Advanced Applications and Novel Methods in 3D Bioprinting

3D bioprinting has emerged as a leading biofabrication technique to both engineer tissues for regenerative medicine and create microphysiological models for drug screening and personalized medicine. This symposium will focus on advances in 3D bioprinting methods ranging from hardware design, AI-based software, multifunctional biomaterials, and novel bioink formulations. Specific attention will be given to open-source technological advances driving the rapid innovation and widespread adoption, as well as current challenges and future strategies towards commercialization of bioprinted medical devices. We will additionally highlight new developments from industry, 4D bioprinting, and cover examples of in vivo bioprinting. Our goal is to assimilate novel methods in mechanical design, software analysis, materials development, and medical device construction to encourage the next wave of 3D printing innovation. 

Advancing the Hemocompatibility of Biomaterials

Biomaterial surfaces routinely initiate blood coagulation, creating a grand challenge to the development of blood-contacting technologies and the clinical use of cardiovascular devices. Surface designs based on passivation, presentation of bioactive components, or controlled release of anticoagulant and antiplatelet agents are of interest for improving the hemocompatibility of vascular devices for short-term, long-term, and dynamic blood-contacting applications. This symposium will cover the development of new biomaterial design strategies for preventing thrombosis, methods of surface-directed control of cell-surface interactions in the vascular context, in vitro and preclinical models of thrombosis in biomaterials evaluation, as well as fundamental studies of blood-biomaterial interactions.

Antimicrobial Biomaterials

Due to the threat of antibiotic resistance, biofilms, and the risk of implant-associated infections, strategies for pathogen inactivation play an increasingly important role in biomaterials development. Antimicrobial biomaterials, drug delivery systems, and surfaces that eradicate biofilms and prevent biofilm formation can prevent implant failure, improve clinical outcomes, and reduce treatment costs. This session will cover topics related to designing and characterizing biomaterials to control bacterial, viral, and/or fungal responses. Topics relating to the study of biocompatibility of pathogen-resistant surfaces; the selection and use of in vitro and preclinical models of infection; understanding the roles of biomaterials, pathogens, and hosts in biomaterial-associated infections; and the use of the One Health approach to design biomaterials to combat infections that negatively impact human, animal, and environmental health are also invited.

Bioelectronics & Wearable Sensors

Rapid advancements in soft bioelectronics and wearable sensors promise to revolutionize various fields ranging from fundamental biological research and clinical healthcare to fitness tracking and human-machine interfaces, while also enabling a shift from hospital-based to patient-centered care. This symposium will serve as a dynamic platform for academic researchers, funding agencies, and industry leaders to exchange insights on the latest advancements in soft bioelectronics and their customized applications. The scope of the symposium is broad, including but not limited to novel biomaterials and bioelectronics designs to enhance device performance, innovative manufacturing approaches, conductive scaffolds for tissue regeneration, integration of biosensors with wearable systems, machine learning and artificial intelligence for data analysis, disease diagnostics and automatic decision making, customization for specific healthcare applications, challenges and future directions of soft bioelectronics and wearable sensors, and others. This forum will foster collaboration and innovation, paving the way for next-generation, personalized healthcare technologies.

BioInterfaces SIG

The junction between materials and biological systems is a critical and complex interface with the potential to control the function of macromolecules and dictate cell and tissue responses. Increasingly, cells and biomacromolecules are designable components of biomaterials, creating additional opportunities for innovative research at the interface of materials science and fundamental biology. This session serves as a forum for advances in approaches to modulate interfacial properties, investigations of structure-function and self-assembly at biointerfaces, and applications of interface-driven biomedicine. Specific areas of interest include fundamental research related to dynamic interactions at the material-biomolecular interface from nano to bulk scales and applied research focused on providing hemocompatible and non-fouling biomaterial surfaces. We also encourage contributions that advance a biomaterials lens to cutting-edge research in protein and cell biology, and research that translates progress in molecular and cell biology into innovative biomaterials.

Biomaterial-Based Cancer Models

Biomaterial-based cancer models offer a close mimic of the complex tumor microenvironment, providing versatile platforms for screening molecular and cellular therapeutics. Such platforms enable integration of multiple cell populations and matrix compositions, treatment with patient-relevant modalities (e.g. radiation therapies), and detailed mechanistic analysis through high-resolution imaging. This symposium will highlight recent advances in leveraging biomaterial-based cancer models in vitro or in vivo, to accelerate therapeutic delivery with high efficacy and low associated toxicity.

Biomaterial-Mediated Immune Modulation for Autoimmunity Treatment

Autoimmune diseases, including multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis, affect over 24 million Americans and are among the leading causes of disability and death in the United States, disproportionately impacting women. A broad spectrum of biomaterials has been engineered to address autoimmunity by modulating immune responses via several mechanisms, such as delivering immunosuppressive drugs, inducing anti-inflammatory reactions, and enhancing regulatory immune cell functions. The proposed session aims to showcase recent studies that utilize biomaterial design to foster tolerogenic responses in the treatment of autoimmune and inflammatory conditions.

Biomaterials Tissue Interaction 


Biomaterials Education SIG

The Biomaterials Education SIG members' mission is to affect quality of teaching and learning through the discussion, generation and implementation of innovative ideas. Through this, they seek to advance the interests and goals of the biomaterials community by attempting to bridge the gap between classroom theory and clinical application. As the field of biomaterials rapidly evolves, so must biomaterials education. The Biomaterials Education Special Interest Group is dedicated to the belief that all members of the biomaterials community should be provided with high quality educational opportunities in a stimulating environment.

Biomaterials for Cancer Immunotherapy 

The past decade has witnessed the roaring development of immunotherapies for clinical cancer treatment. Immune checkpoint blockade therapies and chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-T cell therapies have demonstrated clinical efficacy against a variety of cancers. However, issues including limited patient responses, life-threatening off-target side effects, and poor efficacy against many solid tumors still limit the clinical utility of cancer immunotherapies. Biomaterial carriers of these therapies, though, enable one to troubleshoot the delivery issues, amplify immunomodulatory effects, integrate the synergistic effect of different molecules, and more importantly, home and manipulate immune cells in vivo. Through this “Biomaterials for Cancer Immunotherapy” symposium in 2025 SFB Annual Meeting, we aim to bring together scientists pursuing cutting edge research at the intersection of biomaterials and cancer immunotherapy. Topics of interest include but are not limited to: nanovaccine, nano-immunotherapy, biomaterial scaffold immunotherapy, adjuvanting materials, materials for immune cell engineering, immunological modeling systems, and lymphoid organoids.

Biomaterials for Cellular Immunotherapy

The advent of adoptive cellular immunotherapies has brought a new challenge for adequate biomanufacturing strategies to meet the demand. In this session, we will explore innovations in biomaterials and biomanufacturing related to immune cell therapies including CAR-T, CAR-M, and others.

Biomaterials for Functional Vasculature

This session will focus on the latest advancements in biomaterials designed to support the formation, maintenance, and repair of functional vasculature. Key areas of discussion will include the role of biomaterials in promoting angiogenesis and vasculogenesis, as well as biofabrication techniques such as 3D printing and bioprinting for creating complex vascular networks. Special emphasis will be placed on how biomaterial properties influence vascular cell behavior and vascular organization. Researchers will present cutting-edge ideas and advancements in translating these biomaterials and devices into clinical applications for tissue regeneration and vascular repair.

Biomaterials for Neural Engineering

Engineered biomaterials are uniquely positioned for use in creating, testing, stimulating, and regenerating neural tissue with applications like in vitro models of injury and disease, tissue engineering, therapeutic treatments, understanding neural development, and mapping or recording the brain. This session will focus on cutting edge research in neural biomaterials including fundamental material development and fabrication through pre-clinical and clinical studies spanning materials from small molecules to extracellular mimetics to neural interfaces.  Such materials may be applied to big questions surrounding understanding and treating diseases and injuries of the peripheral and central nervous systems including drug, biologic, and therapeutic delivery or interventions.

Biomaterials for Organoids

Three-dimensional ex vivo organoid cultures using biomaterial-based assembly and self-assembly have been shown to resemble and recapitulate most of the functionality of diverse multicellular tissues and organs, such as the gut, brain, liver, kidney, and lung. They can be dissected and interrogated for fundamental mechanistic studies on human tissue development, regeneration and repair. They can also be used in diagnostics, disease modeling, drug discovery and personalized medicine. For example, in vitro disease models will provide cutting-edge approaches to replicate pathological conditions outside the human body. Thus, organoids bridge a gap in existing model systems by providing a more stable system that is amenable to extended cultivation and manipulation while being more representative of in vivo physiology. This session will cover the most recent advancements in biomaterials-mediated organoid and in vitro models of disease technologies in regenerative medicine, cancer therapy, drug testing, environmental control, monitoring, adaptive sensing, personalized medicine, therapeutic development and translational applications. This topic has been well-received in past SFB meetings and is an exciting emerging research area. In 2025, we will continue this session and promote translational research on the commercial viability of biomaterials-mediated organoid projects.

Biomaterials in Women's Health Engineering 

This session will highlight biomaterial applications and innovations driven towards women's health engineering. Women's health is defined broadly as all conditions that disproportionately impact women across their lifespan. Topics of interest include but are not limited to reproductive health engineering like dynamic interactions during pregnancy, female cancers, immune engineering, and other conditions related to the uterus or the gynecological tract.

Biomaterials in the Tumor Immune Microenvironment

Malignant cells of the tumor co-exist with non-malignant cells in a 3D space, along with structural and secreted components. Immune cells of many types such as macrophages, dendritic cells, mast cells, T-cells and more make up the tumor immune microenvironment (TIME). Biomaterials are incorporated in bioengineering the TIME for multiple purposes: (1) creating bioengineered models to further fundamental immuno-oncology studies; and (2) modulating anti-tumor immune response. Cancer-immune cell interactions in the TIME are specifically important to study for the development of immunotherapies to treat various types of cancer. Not only is engineering the TIME useful for drug discovery, it can also provide mechanistic insights into cancer-immune cell interactions within the TIME that can be used to develop targeted immuno-therapies.

Biomaterials in Biomedicine: Diagnostics, Thereapeautics and Wound Care 

This session aims to highlight recent advances in biomaterials for therapeutics, diagnostics, and biodevices that focus on hemostasis, thrombosis, mechanobiology, and wound healing. Addressing these complex injuries necessitates advanced therapeutic strategies that promote hemostasis, manage infections and wound healing, and provide tissue regeneration. Current treatments for high-energy trauma are inadequate for addressing the extensive tissue damage and infections often associated with these injuries. Through this symposium, we seek to demonstrate the significant clinical potential of problem-focused therapy as a rational solution for improving healing outcomes, rapid and effective tissue regeneration, and robust infection control, leading to improved quality of life for both military personnel and civilians.

Biomaterials to Study Human Host-Microbiome Interactions

Understanding the ecology as well as the mechanisms of crosstalk between the host and its microbiota will offer a more holistic view of human health that could contribute to preventing and treating a wide spectrum of human diseases. However, the field needs to ‘tool up’, as current experimental platforms cannot simultaneously support microbial communities and their native environment. This session aims to address this need, highlighting the latest approaches in modeling and decoding host-microbiome interactions in the human body. We are anticipating delving into the development, characterization of validation of biomaterial platforms able to provide native biological and metabolic conditions to sustain the long-term culture of humanized tissue systems. Innovative strategies will recreate the physical, structural and mechanical conditions of the native environment in a controlled long-term system. Bioreactors and organ-on-a-chips are emerging technologies that aim to recreate long term structural and functional features of native environments coupled with mechanical stimuli.

Biomaterials-Enhanced Cell Therapy: Beta Cells and Beyond 

This symposium will highlight breakthroughs in biomaterials that enhance the feasibility and translational potential of cell therapies. Biomaterials have been developed to modulate cell behavior, protect cells from immune attacks, guide patient-specific cellular activity, and stimulate endogenous cell recruitment. One key focus area will be biomaterials that augment beta cell replacement for type 1 diabetes, but the session welcomes discussions on a wide range of cell therapy applications.

Cardiovascular Biomaterials SIG

The Cardiovascular Biomaterials Special Interest Group has the mission to foster the professional interaction and address the common concerns of academic and industrial scientists and engineers, clinicians, and regulatory professionals concerned with the discovery, research, development, and use of biomaterials for cardiovascular devices and implants. This includes a broad range of cardiovascular biomaterial strategies used to guide stem cell differentiation, terminally-differentiated vascular cell phenotype, antibacterial properties, and inflammation and remodeling in vivo.  

Cellular Immunotherapy

The advent of adoptive cellular immunotherapies has brought a new challenge for adequate biomanufacturing strategies to meet the demand. In this session, we will explore innovations in biomaterials and biomanufacturing related to immune cell therapies including CAR-T, CAR-M, and others.

Computational and Machine Learning Approaches for Biomaterial Design & Evaluation

Computational modeling and machine learning can enhance our ability to design and evaluate biomaterials for a variety of applications, and have greatly improved patient care worldwide. This session will explore computational approaches and tools for designing biomaterials for tissue engineering and other applications, evaluating complex data from in vitro and in vivo studies, and predicting biomaterial performance in different microenvironments. Examples of these may include fluid mechanics and bio-transport models of drug/protein delivery, models of protein-protein and protein-material interactions, statistical modeling for biomaterial optimization, machine learning for biomaterial design and analysis, and bioinformatics-based platforms for analyzing complex data, including RNA sequencing and other -omics approaches. Progress and challenges in applying computational approaches in developing biomaterials and in patient care may be discussed.

Dental/Craniofacial Biomaterials SIG

The Dental/Craniofacial Biomaterials Special Interest Group focuses on basic, applied, and clinical biomaterials research using approaches ranging from synthetic materials to biological mechanisms of therapy, and including materials/biological constructs and tissue structure-function analyses as biomimetic/design bases. Each of these approaches converge into the larger objective of restoring oral tissue structure and function. Issues related to materials used or having potential for use intra-orally or extra-orally for the restoration, fixation, replacement, or regeneration of hard and soft tissues in and about the oral cavity and craniofacial region are included. New dental biomaterials technologies include advanced inorganic and organic materials, biomimetics, smart materials, tissue engineering, drug delivery strategies and surface modified materials.

Drug Delivery SIG

This session will survey the diverse range of contemporary drug delivery systems and innovations. Drug delivering biomaterials can include nanoparticles, hydrogels, nanofibers, cell and virus-derived particles, or bioconjugates. Payloads can include DNA, RNA, antibodies, recombinant proteins, or small molecules. Disease applications can range from neurodegeneration to autoimmune disease, trauma, infection, or cancer. Work at all scales, from basic formulation science through therapeutic application in disease models is welcome. Studies that critically evaluate the impact of injection route on treatment efficacy and/or use novel imaging modalities to evaluate drug delivery performance are especially encouraged.

ECM-Based Biomaterials

Biomaterials derived from the extracellular matrix (ECM) have a long and rich history within both academic research and the clinical settings.   Recent progress in ECM processing and bioconjugate chemistry have further aided the development of robust ECM-based materials with highly tunable physicochemical properties beyond what is achieved with traditional tissue-derived materials.  From these advancements, a new utility for ECM materials has emerged ranging from components for complex 3D bioprinting to substrates for in vitro lab-on-a-chip models. This session will provide new perspectives on the emerging role of modified ECM-derived materials in various biomedical applications, including but not limited to drug delivery, stem cell bioengineering, and tissue regeneration, with a focus on commercial and clinical translational solutions.

Engineering Cells and Their Microenvironments SIG

The Engineering Cells & Their Microenvironments Special Interest Group focuses on technologies and approaches at the single-cell level and the engineering of cellular microenvironments. This includes designing dynamic cues within biomaterials to regulate cell signaling and stem cell fate, as well as advancing stem cell manufacturing and differentiation, immunoengineering, and biomaterials for cell-based detection and diagnosis.

Engineering Heart and Lung Models to Study Disease Progression and Therapeutic Development

This session focuses on leveraging biomaterials to create models of the heart and lung, including engineered tissues, organoid, and/or organs-on-a-chip, and how these systems can be leveraged to understand disease processes and as a testbed to identify and test potential therapeutics. These models can be used to develop treatments for acute conditions such as virus infections, to investigate mechanisms of chronic disease progression, for toxicology testing, and overcome the limitations of animal models used for cardio-pulmonary research. Approaches that combine in vitro models with state-of-the-art techniques for phenotyping, including bulk and spatially resolved omics technologies and cutting-edge data analysis and visualization such as machine learning are also encouraged.

Engineering Solutions for Immunity in Aging Populations

The session on "Innovative Approaches in Aging, Immunity, Senescence, and Biomaterials" will delve into cutting-edge research and developments at the intersection of aging biology and material science. Topics will include the latest findings on how aging affects immune system function, the role of cellular senescence in age-related diseases, and innovative biomaterials designed to modulate immune responses and promote tissue regeneration. Attendees will explore novel strategies for enhancing immune function in the elderly, targeting senescent cells to improve healthspan, and leveraging advanced biomaterials to create therapies that address the complex interplay between aging and immune health. This session aims to foster interdisciplinary collaboration and inspire new approaches to tackle the challenges of aging and improve the quality of life for the aging population

Extracellular Vesicles for Biomedical Applications

Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are natural nanoparticles that carry RNA, DNA, proteins, and lipids, and have been given much attention in recent years due to the growing knowledge of their role in driving disease and maintaining health. The objective of this session is to bring together investigators focusing on the characterization and biology of EVs, engineering of EVs, and their utility as diagnostic biomarkers and therapeutics. Example topics include EV nanomaterials science, the interaction of EVs with biological systems, EV biodistribution in vivo and pharmacology, and the utility of EVs for molecular targeting, imaging, diagnostics, immunoengineering, tissue engineering, and drug delivery. EVs from different sources including both mammalian and bacteria-derived EVs will be included.

Fibrous Biomaterials in Tissue Engineering

Fibrous biomaterials represent a dynamic and rapidly evolving field at the intersection of materials science, biology, and engineering, dedicated to developing innovative solutions for complex medical challenges. From traditional bandages and gauzes to advanced vascular grafts, tendon patches, drug delivery systems, and tissue engineering scaffolds, fibrous biomaterials  have revolutionized various aspects of medical treatment and procedures. This session will highlight the design, fabrication, characterization and use of fibrous biomaterials for use in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine applications.

Granular & Macroporous Biomaterials for Tissue Engineering

Granular hydrogel materials emerged as a class of biomaterial that provide for well-defined in vitro and in vivo systems with plug-and-play components and tissue-mimicking 3D environments. Granular hydrogels are composed of a slurry of microgel particles that are assembled to form a larger porous structure. Microporous annealed particle (MAP) scaffolds are a subclass of granular hydrogel material with a void space network stabilized by inter-particle chemical bonds. The modular nature of granular hydrogels offers enormous tunability in not only the individual microgel design but also the homogenous or heterogenous microgel assembly into the bulk scaffold. This session will explore current advances in granular hydrogel technology, including MAP scaffolds, for both immune modulation, tissue repair, organ-on-a-chip, and 3D-printing applications.

High Performance Biomaterials for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 

Biologically derived polymers and composites offer excellent opportunities in the biomaterials field. This versatile class of materials includes biopolymers (polyhydroxy alkanoates, hyaluronic acid), polysaccharides (starch, chitin/chitosan, alginate) or proteins (collagen, fibrin, silk fibroin) enabling developing engineered systems with outstanding biological performance. The innovative use of its characteristics, taking advantage of the similar structure or composition with respect to biological tissues, enables designing high performance solutions for biocompatibility, biodegradability and bioactivity of biomaterials. Also the advanced areas of tissue engineering, drug delivery and smart/active/adaptive systems may benefit from the wealth of natural polymers existing in nature.

Historically Marginalized Voices in Biomaterials Science and Engineering

The purpose of this session is to highlight the research conducted by historically marginalized "rising star" scientists in the biomaterials community. The Session will begin with a invited keynote lecture from one of the top minds in our field, followed by 10 "rapid fire" research presentations chosen from submitted abstracts. This session is organized by the SFB Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee.

Immune Biomechanics & Mechanobiology

Evidence is emerging that the immune cells respond to the mechanical properties of their microenvironment and this can modulate their function and activation. This session will focus on immune cell interactions with biomaterials and tissues in the context of biomechanics, how this is used to modulate immune function, and how this affects immune tissue models we build.

Immune Engineering SIG 


Implantable Micro/Nanotechnologies for Continuous Monitoring of Arrhythmia Biomarkers

Biomaterial-tissue interface is quite crucial for translation of a device from lab to clinic. Regarding applications of implantable micro/nanotechnologies and their interactions with surrounding tissues, a lot remains to be explored. We propose to bridge research gaps through our extensive study on rigid and flexible implantable devices and their interactions with cardiac and adipose tissue.

Innovative Biomaterials for Advanced Ophthalmic Solutions: Bridging Research and Clinical Practice (Ophthalmic Biomaterials SIG)

This session will explore new innovations in biomaterials and drug delivery vehicles for ophthalmology, focusing on how emerging technology is driving advancements in therapeutic and diagnostic solutions for ocular diseases. By bridging the gap between laboratory research and clinical practice, the session will highlight the role of biomaterials in improving treatment efficacy, pre-clinical and clinical outcomes, and translation into ophthalmic care.

Microfluidics and Biomaterials for Engineering 3D In Vitro Models

This session aims to explore the cutting-edge intersection of microfluidic technologies and biomaterials in the development of advanced three-dimensional (3D) in vitro models. As traditional 2D cultures fail to accurately mimic the complexity of tissues, organs, and their in vivo microenvironment, this session will explore how emerging techniques including microfluidics and organoids can be integrated with biomaterials to recreate the dynamic physiological conditions essential for accurate disease modeling, drug testing, and overall phenomena understanding. Topics will include innovations in 3D biomaterial design, the role of microfluidics in both manipulating materials for biofabrication as well as interconnecting complex on-chip cellular microenvironments, organoids, and the application of these systems in tissue engineering, cancer research, and organ-on-chip platforms. A discussion on the challenges and future directions in scaling these models for high-throughput screening and personalized medicine is to be expected.

Nanomaterials for Immune Modulation

Nanomaterials for Immune Modulation: Nanomaterials can be modified to target specialized biomolecules, cells and tissues of the immune system. These nanomaterials range from chemically modified macromolecules, peptides, proteins, or other similar materials. This session will focus on developing nanomaterials that modulate immune responses for a range of diseases.

Nanomaterials SIG

The goal of this session is to exchange ideas involving the unique science and technology present in biomaterials at the nanoscale. Abstracts collectively focused on nanoscale discovery, design, and application are welcome. More specifically, 1) discoveries at the nanoscale and their connection to macroscale properties and behaviors of biomaterials; 2) design and synthesis of nanobiomaterials as relevant for improved devices, diagnostics and therapeutics; and 3) application of nanomaterials to achieve intended biological significance and medical impact. Of particular interest is translational research on nanomaterials effects in the body, including tracking, biodistribution, toxicity, and theranostics. Additional interest lies in the use of multiscale modeling in connecting nanoscale structures and phenomena with macroscale systems in biology and medicine. 

Nanomedicine for Targeted Drug Delivery

This session will emphasize product development and translational nanomedicine, including but not limited to evaluation of product effectiveness in vivo in disease models, nanomedicine manufacturing, and nanomedicine quality control for specific applications. Nanomedicines include colloids and other nanomaterials that have been engineered to target delivery of diverse payloads (such as small molecules, nucleic acids, or biologics) to specific cells or tissues. Targeting approaches may include but are not restricted to cell membrane coating, surface modification, engineering of particle geometry, or engineering other biophysical parameters. Abstracts from academic researchers with translational products or devices are welcomed and abstracts from industry members are especially encouraged.

Navigating the Path of Biomaterials and Medical Products (Biomaterials and Medical Products Commercialization SIG)

The Biomaterials and Medical Products Commercialization SIG aims to provide researchers with the necessary tools to take their ideas from concept to physical product to market-ready technology. This session will focus on highlighting the various considerations needed on a product's journey to commercialization including, but not limited to, sterilization and purification, product scale-up and robust manufacturing, product purification, quality control, regulatory considerations, reimbursement strategies, supply chain, and market adoption. Examples will be provided from members of academia and industry, from small start-ups to large organizations, and from numerous markets and end-use applications. This session will hopefully inform and inspire the SFB community as they start and/or continue down the path of product development and commercialization. 

Novel Biomaterial Developments in Non-Viral Drug Delivery Systems

Nucleic acid-based therapies or genetic medicines have the potential to treat a wide variety of conditions. Heavy reliance on viral methods, however, can hamper clinical translation and widespread use of such therapies. Non-viral approaches are required to avoid the risk of adverse immune reactions, enable redosing, and make nucleic acid-based therapies more affordable. This session will focus on showcasing biomaterials-based approaches to non-viral nucleic acid-based therapies. We encourage contributions spanning a wide range of biomaterials research applications, including the development of novel carrier systems (e.g., polymer- and lipid-based nanocarriers, engineered extracellular vesicles, physical methods, etc.), methods of deployment (e.g., controlled release, novel routes of administration, etc.), and therapeutic cargo (e.g., novel nucleic acid designs, aptamers, etc.), among others.

Novel Materials - Biologically Inspired

Bioinspiration from nature can be drawn through structural, functional, or organizational properties. With their tunable properties, bioinspired materials can mimic different aspects of natural structures and have shown promise in various clinical applications. For example, they have been used as biomimetic scaffolds in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine to promote tissue healing and integration. In drug delivery, bioinspired materials can be designed for targeted and controlled release, improving efficacy, reducing side effects, and ensuring a consistent therapeutic effect. Additionally, bioinspired materials are utilized in implants and medical devices due to their integration with the body, which reduces the risk of rejection and improves longevity.

While bioinspired materials are cytocompatible, effective, and sustainable compared to traditional materials for clinical applications, there are challenges in clinical translation including regulatory aspects.

Our symposium will focus on exploring innovative bioinspired biomaterials and technologies aimed at overcoming these key challenges and advancing their clinical translation. We will feature perspectives from academic research, industry collaborations, and the commercialization of cutting-edge biomaterials and technologies inspired by biological systems. Additionally, we will address emerging challenges and explore ways to foster new collaborations. Our symposium will be of interest to medical researchers, academic professionals, and industry participants.

Novel Materials for Space Applications

Pioneering bioengineering experiments on the International Space Station (ISS) and ground-based studies have demonstrated that microgravity enables the analysis of novel features not attainable under normal gravity conditions. They include stem cell proliferation regulations and differentiation, bioprinting in microgravity for lower-viscosity biomaterials, and the ability to fabricate complex biological structures. The processes rely on biomechanical cues affected by gravity conditions, and microgravity conditions should enable complete control over these cues in ways not possible on Earth. This could have significant value in the production of advanced space-related products. The commercial opportunities have been identified and prioritized based on the following criteria: I) The importance of microgravity in enabling the opportunity. II) The attractiveness of the opportunity for investment, including the magnitude of impact and concentration of investors. III) The risk associated with the opportunity is measured by the risk of failure, time to market, and risk-benefit tradeoffs. The most promising opportunities are in (1) biomanufacturing and (2) stem cells and stem-cell-derived products.

Orthopaedic Biomaterials SIG

There are increasing demands for orthopedic biomaterials which play critical roles in patient care. This session invites presentations on metals, ceramics, and polymers that are used every day in modern orthopedic applications. Particular focuses will include octacalcium phosphates, bioabsorbable metallic materials, biomaterial degradation and impacts, and additive manufacturing. Applications will span across orthopedic, cardiovascular, craniomaxillofacial implants, etc. In vitro, in vivo, and in silico studies, as well as studies focusing on commercialization and clinical/translational challenges are welcome.

Pediatric Tissue Engineering

Pediatric tissue engineering approaches must incorporate the need for growth into their design.  Typical strategies involve resorbable materials combined with geometric design to accommodate growth.  This session seeks to address strategies combining simulation (both of material degradation and growth) with in vivo models to develop viable pediatric tissue engineering treatment

Peptide Biomaterials for Therapeutic Applications

Peptides are chemically defined and possess a wide range of biofunctions including ligand binding, proteolytic susceptibility, and self-assembly. Owing to these features, peptide-based biomaterials show wide range of capacities to encapsulate payload, to engage cellular receptors, to respond to stimuli and surrounding environments, and to modulate cell functions as drug or immune antigens. We will feature recent advances in the development of biomaterials including, but not limited to, peptides acting as bioactive components, peptides functioning as targeting ligands, and peptides serving as scaffold building blocks, for therapeutic applications.

Regenerative Biomaterials for Complex Tissue Regeneration

This symposium will focus on the most recent advances in the design of regenerative biomaterials for engineering challenging tissues and organs. From pancreas to liver and spinal cord, approaches including functional materials, 3D-bioprinting, gene therapy, and nanomaterials, among many others, will be included. We will highlight the recent trends in the development of functional biomaterials that play active role in controlling cellular behavior and complex tissue regeneration. We will cover different classes of biomaterials including the ones that can direct cell fate and promote differentiation. Translational strategies for taking these biomaterials from bench to bedside will also be discussed. Significant international contributions will be selected to facilitate fruitful discussions aiming to progress the advance of the field and to assist the generation of new productive and multidisciplinary collaborations.

Sex as a Biological Variable in Biomaterials Research

Sex differences exist in both health and disease, yet our mechanistic knowledge of the underlying sex-specific molecular and cellular mechanisms involved remain poorly characterized. In terms of biomaterials, the effects of sex on processes such as fibrosis, wound healing, tissue regeneration, and immune rejection, are only now beginning to be appreciated. In this session, we seek to highlight the latest research in biomaterials-based technologies that enable sex-specific understanding of biological mechanisms in health and disease. Topics in this session include (and are not limited to) using biomaterials to design sex-specific cellular microenvironments, understand sex-specific disease pathologies and immune responses, and and develop sex-specific drug delivery and tissue engineered approaches. Incorporating sex as a biological variable in biomaterials research may enable the improved understanding of sex differences in health and disease and provide a path toward sex-specific therapies to help benefit diverse patient populations.

Stimuli-Responsive Biomaterials

Materials that respond to environmental stimuli, such as heat, light, pH, or biological signals, provide unique tools for environmentally-responsive and/or temporal changes in biomaterial properties over time. This session will focus on materials, including hybrid materials, that can be stimulated with a variety of physiological and external stimuli to achieve desired outcomes. Research related to the use of stimuli-responsive materials that respond to endogenous or exogenous signals to (1) trigger drug delivery, (2) study and control the cellular response to microenvironmental changes, and/or (3) drive tissue regeneration and disease treatment is of particular interest.

Surface Characterization and Modification SIG 

The Surface Characterization and Modification Special Interest Group emphasizes two major research topics: 1) improving understanding of biomaterial surface structure and its relationship to biological performance, and 2) developing surface modification strategies for biomaterials. Some research areas that fall under these topics include spectroscopic, microscopic, and biochemical surface characterization, thin film deposition; chemical and ion surface modification; lubrication, passivation/corrosion, and biological films; and quality assurance of device surfaces. This Special Interest Group will be active in arranging workshops, symposia, and annual meeting sessions for the Society. Through these venues the Special Interest Group will provide a forum for exchange of ideas, methods, and expertise in surface characterization and modification.

Symposium in Honor of Shelly Sakiyama-Elbert’s 50th Birthday: Celebrating 25 Years of Shaping Biomaterials in Neuroengineering 

In this invited speaker symposium honoring Shelly Sakiyama-Elbert on her 50th Birthday, we will celebrate 25 Years of of her impact shaping biomaterials in neuroengineering. 

Tissue Engineering SIG

Tissue Engineering SIG is a forum to exchange information, further knowledge, and promote greater awareness regarding all aspects of the use of biomaterials to engineering tissue substitutes or to promote tissue regeneration. Of primary interest and relevance to TE SIG is the use of appropriate materials (synthetic and natural) with cells (either native or from a donor source) and/or biological response modifiers (e.g., growth factors, cytokines and other recombinant products) to replace tissue and organ functions. Particular emphasis is placed on the development of materials to better incorporate, protect, and deliver both the cells and biological response modifiers to help promote the healing and regenerative processes. The group is committed to forging interactions among basic scientists, applied scientists, engineers, clinicians, industrial members, professional societies in related fields, and regulatory groups in its efforts to expand and effectively utilize the shared knowledge base in this multidisciplinary field.