Poster Information

Poster Format 

Each poster will have a display area of four (4) feet high by four (4) feet wide to display your materials. Posters that do not fit within the standard display area are subject to removal. 

You may display your information in figures, tables, text, photographs, etc. Please prepare all illustrations neatly and legibly beforehand, in a size sufficient to read at a distance of three (3) feet. A series of typewritten sheets attached to the poster board is not acceptable. Pushpins (thumbtacks) will be available to fasten your material to the poster board.

Poster Set-Up

Poster presentations will be scheduled for 3 different days and times. Poster setup will occur the morning of your scheduled Poster Session and MUST remain on display until the conclusion of the day’s events. Authors will be responsible for dismantling their posters. Any poster left on poster boards will be discarded. SFB assumes no responsibility for posters left on poster boards following the closing of the exhibit hall on the scheduled day. Additional information will be provided prior to the conference.

Throughout the meeting, it is crucial that poster tubes are NOT left in the Poster Hall. Tubes left on the floor or leaning on poster boards cause safety hazards for all attendees. Poster tubes left on the floor of the poster hall WILL be removed.

SFB might create a space for poster tube storage, but this will depend on space availability. Keeping your poster tube in your hotel room and out of the poster hall would be the safest place for all attendees.

Poster Presentations Schedule:

Opening Reception in Exhibit Hall 

Poster Session 1 

Poster Session 2 and Exhibit Reception

Poster Session 3

It is important for you to be present at your poster during the Poster Session times to answer questions and discuss issues on your research with meeting attendees.

Meeting Registration and Hotel:

Please note that all presenters are expected to pay for their own travel and lodging and pay the registration fees.

As an abstract submitter, you receive a $25 credit when you register for the meeting. This unique code will be sent in your acceptance notification email. 

SFB has negotiated a special room block specifically for our event attendees. All conference attendees should make every effort to stay at the official event hotel. Supporting the official hotel room block provides staff support to resolve hotel reservation disputes; ensures attendees receive all applicable discounts and materials; and, assists SFB in maintaining affordable, quality programming. Hotel and reservation information will be available shortly! Please check back.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the SFB Meetings Department at