Abstract Format

Abstract Requirements

  • Must fit on ONE 8.5" x 11" page in a two column format (3.25" columns, .75" margins all around, .5" between columns)
  • Inclusive of tables, graphs, or pictures
  • Text must be in Times New Roman font and 10-point type size
  • Must be uploaded as a Word or .PDF document File size is limited to 50 megabytes
  • Do not upload a document with tracked changes


The title should be brief, clearly indicating the nature of the presentation. When entering your title online, use mixed case (do not use all caps) and do not put a period at the end of the title. Example: This is a Properly Formatted Abstract Title


List the authors according to the instructions given online. Author information should also be included in the abstract as formatted in the template. If authors’ names appear on more than one abstract, the names must be entered identically on each abstract to ensure proper, non-repetitive indexing in publication. Otherwise, the author’s name will appear multiple times as SFB cannot assume that the multiple listings refer to the same author. Please consult with your co-authors on how they would like their names to appear prior to the submission of the abstract.

Tables and Graphs

Tables and graphs should be embedded in the submitted Microsoft Word or Adobe Acrobat document and must be of sufficient resolution to be reproduced clearly, typically at 300 dpi.