2025 Business Pitch Competition
Students and postdocs: Medical technology requires more than just laboratory results to become a reality. Do you believe that your biomaterials-based research innovation has the potential to succeed in the medical device industry?
Put your skills to the test in this unique session designed to challenge you to consider the commercialization aspects of your research. Individuals and groups (your choice) will be judged by experts from investing, industry, regulatory, and academia on the strength of their commercialization plans. Prizes will be awarded to the top individuals/teams, including the audience’s choice.
Those who have been selected will give a 10-minute pitch followed by a “Shark Tank” style Q&A with the judges and the audience.
• Individuals and teams interested in participating - Check back shortly for submission instructions!
• Your submission should include the following:
- Description: Short theme of business pitch
- Proposed product: Product concept and a short description
- Invention*: Technical description, product motivation, target disease/condition, patents filed, and/or IP strategy
- Safety & effectiveness: Any safety studies and pre-clinical or clinical effectiveness if established
- Details of invention: Brief technical description of the product and technology
- Market Assessment: Medical Devices Market (By Types like orthopedics, dental, cardio, ophthalmic, etc. & End users like clinic, hospital or private doctors, etc.), Global Market Size, Market Growth, and Trends Analysis, etc.
- Commercialization Strategy: Financing outline, brief manufacturing outline, regulatory/FDA process strategy, reimbursement strategy, profit forecast, exit proposals
- Figures (optional)
• Those selected for competition will be notified of presentation details. All presenters must be registered attendees of the 2025 Annual Meeting.
• The same material may be presented in other sessions at the 2025 Annual Meeting; however, this will be a separate submission process.
Teams may consist of any number of students, postdocs, staff, faculty, and non-academic members, however, only students and postdocs will be permitted at the podium during the competition. Up to four team members may present on stage.
Business pitches must contain subject matter that is normally of interest to the Society For Biomaterials. Refer to the 2025 Submission Categories (Coming Soon!) and the Special Interest Group section of the SFB website for a list of relevant subject areas.
Pitches may be original ideas or established companies. Companies that are revenue-positive must not have exceeded $500k in total revenue at the time of submission.
Protection of sensitive material is the responsibility of the individual or team members, who should consider their participation in the session as a public disclosure. Please refer to relevant patent law before disclosing sensitive material.
If selected, expect to make a 10-minute pitch for your company followed by a fast-paced Q&A session. More information will be announced following presenter decisions.
Questions? Contact info@biomaterials.org!